My monthly spread is a little bit messy. I've been trying some new things and in April, my planner will get a complete overhaul since I bought a new monthly kit, so stay tuned for that! I buy all of my stickers on Etsy since they're cute and there's a huge variety. The shops featured in this post include:
Packaged to Plan monthly kit by CraftedbyCorley
Itty Bitty Kawaii Celebrate the Day and itty Bitty Kawaii Happy Mail by SweetKawaiiDesigns
The Functional College kit and Telephone Icons by RAKPaperStickers
Hydrate Side Bar by Libbieandco
TV Show Reminders by ThisVeryCraftyMama
Every week in my planner starts out looking like this before I add in classes, homework, club meetings, and other happenings to the week. I have my "Resolutions" up in the top left-hand corner:
Migraine Diary
Eat Healthy
Keep Room Clean
Keep Kosher
My goal is to do each of these things every day of the week. So far, I'm doing pretty well at the healthy and Kosher ones, since they go hand-in-hand a little bit. I'm definitely failing at the rest. I take my LSATs in June and I've studied maybe 4 times (I'm never getting in!). But every week they stare at me from the pages of my planner and I feel a little bit more motivated.
My side bar is my goals and to dos for the week and I've split up To Do, To Call, and To Email into their own little sections. The Packaged to Plan kit comes with this nifty little daily checklist that I use to remind myself that my sister and I have to move our car. (We're manipulating the parking situation at our school so that we don't have to pay $750 for the same parking that costs commuters $300, but it means we have to move our van, Bertha, twice a day.) Finally, my hydrate sticker is at the bottom. I have chronic migraines and I never drink enough water, so I bought a tracking water bottle to pair with my sticker, in hopes of it helping; so far, so good.
This week is Spring Break, so I don't have much of anything going on until later in the week. The Packaged to Plan kit comes with cute boxes, flags, and a few icons that match the week's spread. I always use half boxes for things that take around 2-3 hours and full boxes for 3-6 hours. The little postage stamp looking squares I use to keep track of my work shifts. I LOVE to do lists, so naturally I have a ton of checklist flags, though I hardly ever use them in my current system (again, stay tuned for April!) Pretty much my whole week is just catching up on things and getting the ball rolling for Maximus in Minimus, so checklists were perfect for this week!
As of now, here's the final product! Things will get added to the lists as I think of them, and who knows? Maybe something interesting will pop up!
How do you guys like to plan?
Make the day great!
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