The redesign focuses on the title: Maximus in Minimus, which means "greatness in small things" in Latin. I took three semesters of Latin and absolutely fell in love with it! This phrase has become my motto in the past year or so because I struggle with mental illness that makes me feel small, but I remember that good things come in small packages and it helps me cope. The design focuses on a muted, peaceful color palette and a pretty, quirky feel. I aim to make this blog me on "paper," so bear with me as I make strides to figure out exactly what my M.O. is (there's that Latin again!)
My college roommate and sister (yes, my actual, by-blood, share-the-same-parents sister), Mara, wanted to start a blog too (check it out at and we are holding each other accountable for posting and boosting each others' moral when the going gets rough.
I'm hoping to dedicate the time and effort that this endeavor deserves and post some great, helpful content for my followers! Please take a moment to answer the survey question in the bar on the right, I want to make sure I devote the time to the things my viewers want to see! If there's something you don't see that you'd like to hear about, post it in the comments section and I'll see what I can do!
Greatness is yet to come!
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