Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Little Introduction

Hello, anybody who happens to find and read this! I'm Rachel and I am a 19-year-old college student. I'll start by saying that I have blogged before. My first blog was the result of a Senior writing project and was called Inspirspectives. I quit writing on it because I started running out of things I wanted to talk about as a result of the limiting nature of the theme of the blog. Since I started college, I don't watch the news or have the time to compose the not-so-inspiring-stories into ones that are.

Anyway, I started out at Urbana University this past fall. I'll be honest, it wasn't my favorite place after I started. Drama spread quicker than in high school and I didn't feel challenged in the way I had expected college to feel challenging. I had plans to transfer next fall. Well, an old golf injury started acting up again and I went to see a specialist, only to find out that I needed surgery on it. Thinking that I would be in occupational therapy for a couple of months, I withdrew from Urbana and signed up for online classes at a nearby community college for the spring semester. I am now taking classes that will transfer to Ohio State next fall.

I am a psychology major. I prefer neuropsychology, but I find the whole field fascinating. Despite that, I am pursuing a career as an attorney. I hope to attend Yale or Duke and specialize in Constitutional Law as well as some other branch of law. I may minor in Latin or Marketing.

Also, I read a lot. I'm sure posts will come up raving about some book I've been reading. I love books. John Green is my favorite author and some of my favorite books include, The Fault in Our Stars, The Catcher in the Rye, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Happiness Project, and Pride and Prejudice. I am currently reading I Capture the Castle which was a Christmas gift from my boyfriend's mother. That's another thing I'll probably post about, my boyfriend, Garrett. Also, I am currently living with my parents while I raise money for OSU, so there may be posts about them as well. Finally, my New Year's Resolution is to be less anxious. I was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder last year and I'm working towards being less influenced by that so I can be happier.

Well, that's all I've got for now! Thanks for stopping by!

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